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Beauty and the Beast - Variation of the Famous Classic Fairy Tale! (Famous Classic Fairy Tales)Little Red Riding Hood And The Wolf Prince - Variation of the Famous Classic Fairy Tale! (Famous Classic Fairy Tales) Fairy Tales for Kids Alice in the Clouds by Samantha and Richard Hargreaves Fairy Tales for Kids Alice in Rock Candy Mountain by Samantha and Richard HargreavesFairy Tales for Kids Alice and the Rag Doll's Revenge by Samantha and Richard Hargreaves Fairy Tales for Kids Alice and the Giants by Samantha and Richard Hargreaves Fairy Tales for Kids Alice and the Book Worm by Samantha and Richard HargreavesColoring Pages - Mr Froggy Went A Courtin', Mr Froggy And The Bear (The Adventures of Mr Froggie - volume 2) Coloring Pages - Mr Froggy Went A Courtin', Mr Froggy And The Bear (The Adventures of Mr Froggie - volume 1)